10 modern plagues threatening humanity

10 modern plagues threatening humanity

In november 2022 mankind passed the milestone of 8 billion people here on Earth. If U place 8 billion legoheads in a row, the outcome is a line of 80 000 km! 2 times the equator in minifigures!

The title refers to the 10 plagues of Egypt, off course

As a geography teacher I’m not allowed to pay attention to it, but after Dante’s book Inferno I too am increasingly anxious about the fact that the end of time is approaching. I wrote down my 10 circles towards Doomsday, in order to find solutions to restart our beautiful planet!

We do have the bricks to rebuild the mess that we give on to our children! Call me an ecomodernist or call me whatever u need. But I’m not that opportunistic coward that hopes to fly to Mars..

What about Dan Brown theorem:

“Would you kill half the population today in order to save our species from extinction?”

No, I’m not a acolyte of Maltus, I observe the world as good as possible. Unfortunately the more signs I see, the more I have to give some value of his thoughts. They feed my 10 theorems.

  1. Water; flood and shortage in 1 drop:
    Water is a fundamental resource for life, and the availability of fresh water is a growing concern on Earth. Access to clean, safe water is essential for human survival, but many people around the world do not have adequate access to it.
    This plague is triggered by 4 and 3 caused of 5
  2. Lack of resources
    As our population continues to expand, it is crucial to recognize the necessity of exploring resources beyond the geosphere. The finite nature of Earth’s resources and the mounting demands on our planet require us to think boldly for solutions.
    This plague is triggered by 5, can’t support 3 much more longer and suffers by 8.
  3. Shortage of energy
    As the global population continues to grow at an unprecedented rate, meeting the energy demands of this expanding population becomes a critical challenge.
    This plague is sufferin under stress of 5, although it is neaded to control 6, 8, 2 and 1!
  4. Earth’s System ERROR 404
    Earth’s ecosystem is a complex, interconnected web of biological, geological, and atmospheric processes that sustains life as we know it. However, the intricate balance of this system is increasingly disrupted by a range of challenges and errors.
    Our spaceship is crashing, not at itself but it is creating a toxic enviroment for his 8 billion people on board.
    This plague is caused by 5 and it is manifested by 1, 2 en 6. Some people believe it creates 9, but 8 is the most visible exponent of 5.
  5. Demographic explosion
    The demographic evolution of the global population has been a subject of intense discussion and speculation. Some have raised concerns about the implications of population growth, suggesting that it may be the end of life as we know it.
    Is this the worst plague of all? It is the trigger for 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8. I do believe it is not, but 10 it is!
  6. Pandemics
    The emergence of new kinds of pandemics, such as the recent COVID-19 crisis, has raised concerns about their potential impact on human existence. While pandemics can cause significant disruptions and loss of life, it is important to approach this topic with a balanced perspective.
    This plaque is triggered by 8, 4 and 1. Also 10 makes things worse; resistent bacteria are the best example.
  7. The algoritm
    As algorithms become increasingly prevalent in our daily lives, concerns have emerged regarding their potential to negatively impact humanity. While the ethical implications of algorithmic decision-making are worth discussing, it is important to approach this topic with careful consideration.
    This plaque scares me the most, especially after seeing the movie from Yuval Harare:”Welcome to A.I.”.
  8. Pollution
    Pollution and habitat destruction are critical issues that pose significant threats to our environment and ultimately impact the well-being of humanity.
    this plague is the logical progression of 5 and affects 1, 6 and to a minor degree 4
  9. A deus ex machina
    Geological disasters, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis, have the potential to cause widespread devastation and disrupt human life. While these events can be catastrophic, it is crucial to maintain a resilient perspective and focus on our ability to recover and build a hopeful future.
  10. Man’s inability to handle these scourges
    Humanity faces a multitude of challenges, both self-created and naturally occurring. Yet, it is often our ability to effectively deal with these challenges that determines our future trajectory.
    Despite the many solutions and ingenuity of humanity, I rather see overcoming laziness and selfishness of mankind as the problem for the future!

    Please convince me that I’m wrong!

All of these chapters will soon be fully explored in my book.
But the #butterflyforest ( #vlinderwoud) is 1 of my answers to face this maze of problems