Soon it will be presidential elections in Brazil. The timing with geography education could not be better. Global deforestation and the disrupted carbon cycle thus become relevant again. So dear Jair, will you cut down more trees than before or will you still opt for a more sustainable way of making money? This old white man understands the dollar signs […]
If every drop matters!
We read it in almost every news report. Watercourses are very low.The economy is grinding to a halt because shipping is becoming difficult. Power plants are running out of cooling water. In this post I would like to talk about the parable of the little coliseum and the forest fire. You see my Spaceman standing on the edge my water […]
Hello Earth, are you up again!
Today we “celebrate” #earthovershootday, the day on which we have used up all that the earth can produce. Not something to be really proud of, especially when you know that this date is coming earlier and earlier in the year.There is too little time in the geography course, but plenty of space to talk about the earth’s supporting capacity. It’s […]
Cursing in the climate church
On May 17, 2022, KATHO held a symposium on climate change and climate change. we The idea that half of the rise is due to the melting of the land glaciers and the other half to the expanding of the existing ocean water. This 50/50 split just didn’t taste right to me. It even made me curse! Show me the […]
Look up!
The initial hype surrounding DiCaprio’s new movie has calmed down a bit. It was a nice momentum to surf along on, but to me it seems better to wait for the day when there will actually be 8 billion of us. Then I’ll do some work around preventing le déluge. Looking to the future with less somberness, is the message. […]