Look up!

Look up!

The initial hype surrounding DiCaprio’s new movie has calmed down a bit. It was a nice momentum to surf along on, but to me it seems better to wait for the day when there will actually be 8 billion of us. Then I’ll do some work around preventing le déluge. Looking to the future with less somberness, is the message.

The camps with supporters and opponents are diametrically opposed to each other. Facts and fake news alternate at record speed. In this light, the geography profession is asked, expected and hoped to paint an unambiguous and clear picture. Allow me to say that I dislike this shabby little lesson of once a week. It was once suggested to create a subject “climate” as an answer to the cries for attention from our youth.

I seize the unique opportunity to inspire several people, pupils and acquaintances with the adagio that it’s not all over yet as Urbanus sang it in one of his cabaret songs. I seize both the challenge of Leonardo’s Don’t Look Up to look up and the benefits of Jill Peeters’ diligent work in her “What’s Holding Us Back?” to write an account that answers the question: “What after the 8 billion?” You can read this question implicitly in the work of Geert Noels his Gigantism. I can only recommend that everyone with a good reading capacity takes Jan Rotmans’ work in hand! “Embrace the chaos” taught me to realize that we are in the middle of a transition and yes, we don’t feel very comfortable with that.

Soon I will give you more info and prosperity, but first put down my four-part Isaac.

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